Navigating Emergency Electrical Repairs

Electrical emergencies can strike at any time, leaving homeowners in a state of panic. Whether it’s a sudden power outage, a sparking outlet, or a tripped circuit breaker, knowing how to handle these situations safely can make all the difference.

Assess the Situation

The first rule in any emergency is to remain calm. Take a moment to assess the situation and identify the source of the problem. Is it a localized issue, such as a malfunctioning appliance, or a broader electrical outage affecting the entire house?

Ensure Personal Safety

Before attempting any electrical troubleshooting, prioritize your safety. Turn off any appliances or electronic devices connected to the affected circuit, and if necessary, cut power to the entire house by flipping the main circuit breaker. Never attempt to handle electrical issues without ensuring your safety first.

Identify and Address Immediate Hazards

If you notice sparking outlets, exposed wires, or the smell of burning, these are immediate hazards that require prompt attention. Use a fire extinguisher for electrical fires and do not use water. If there’s a damaged or frayed wire, cover it with electrical tape temporarily to prevent accidental contact.

Reset Tripped Circuit Breakers

If only a specific part of your home has lost power, check the circuit breaker panel for tripped breakers. Identify the affected circuit and reset the breaker by firmly moving it to the “off” position and then back to the “on” position. If the breaker continues to trip, it may indicate a more significant issue that requires professional attention.

Inspect Outlets and Switches

Examine outlets and switches for signs of damage, such as scorch marks or unusual heat. If you discover any issues, refrain from using the outlet or switch and consider turning off power to that circuit until a professional can assess and repair it.

Utilize Extension Cords Temporarily

If a specific area of your home has lost power, and you need electricity urgently, you can use extension cords from other areas (preferably not affected by the outage) to temporarily power essential appliances. However, use this as a short-term solution until the underlying issue is addressed.

Document the Problem

Before contacting a professional electrician, document the details of the issue. Note when it started, any unusual sounds or smells, and any actions you took to mitigate the problem. This information can be valuable for the electrician during their assessment.

While these steps can help homeowners manage electrical emergencies temporarily, it’s crucial to remember that they are not substitutes for professional expertise. Emergency situations demand swift action, but the long-term solution often requires the skills and knowledge of a licensed electrician. As soon as you’ve taken these initial steps, contact a professional to thoroughly assess and address the underlying electrical issue, ensuring the continued safety and reliability of your home’s electrical system.

Contact Always On Electric, Inc. at (970) 309-2616 today or visit us online for more information!


Upgrading Electrical Panels: When and Why

In the fast-paced world we live in today, electricity is the lifeblood of our homes and businesses. From powering our appliances to keeping our offices running smoothly, a reliable electrical system is non-negotiable. However, like any other technology, electrical systems have a finite lifespan. That’s when upgrading your electrical panel becomes not just a luxury but a necessity.

Residential Electrician

The Heart of Your Electrical System

First, let’s understand the importance of the electrical panel. It’s essentially the heart of your electrical system, responsible for distributing power throughout your home or business. All the electricity that enters your building runs through this critical component, where it’s divided into circuits and sent to various outlets and appliances.

Signs It’s Time for an Upgrade

  1. Frequent Circuit Breaker Trips: If your circuit breakers trip frequently, it’s a clear indication that your electrical panel is struggling to handle the load. This can be due to increased power demands from modern appliances or an aging panel that can’t keep up. Always On Electric, Inc. can assess the situation and recommend a suitable upgrade.
  2. Fuse Panel: If your home or business still has a fuse panel, it’s a strong sign that you’re overdue for an upgrade. Fuse panels are outdated and less safe than modern circuit breaker panels, which provide better protection against electrical fires and overloads.
  3. Dimming Lights: Do your lights flicker or dim when you turn on appliances? This could be a sign of insufficient power supply, and an electrical panel upgrade might be necessary to ensure a stable and consistent flow of electricity.
  4. Outdated Wiring: If your building has outdated wiring, it’s crucial to upgrade both the wiring and the electrical panel. Old wiring can be a safety hazard and might not meet modern electrical standards.
  5. Home Renovations or Additions: Planning to renovate your home or expand your business? These are excellent opportunities to upgrade your electrical panel to accommodate the increased power needs of the new space.

Why Choose Always On Electric, Inc.?

Upgrading your electrical panel is not a DIY project. It requires specialized knowledge and expertise to ensure the safety and functionality of your electrical system. Always On Electric, Inc. is your trusted partner in this endeavor for several reasons:

  1. Experience: With years of experience in the industry, we’ve seen and handled it all. Our technicians are skilled in upgrading electrical panels efficiently and safely.
  2. Safety First: Safety is our top priority. We adhere to all safety standards and regulations to ensure your electrical system is not just upgraded but also made safer.
  3. Custom Solutions: We understand that every home and business is unique. We provide customized solutions tailored to your specific electrical needs.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Our upgrades are not just about increasing capacity; we also focus on energy efficiency to help you save on your electricity bills.
  5. Reliability: When we’re done, you can count on a reliable electrical system that will serve you well for years to come.

Contact Always On Electric, Inc. at (970) 309-2616 today or visit us online for more information on how we can help with your electrical services in your home or business.


Winter Electrical Safety: Preparing Your Colorado Home for the Cold

The winter season descends upon Colorado and it’s essential to ensure that your home is not only cozy and warm but also safe from electrical hazards. The colder months can put added stress on your electrical system, making it crucial to take precautionary measures and perform maintenance tasks.

Residential Electrician

Inspect Outdoor Wiring and Fixtures

Before the cold sets in, check all outdoor wiring, lighting fixtures, and outlets. Make sure they are in good condition, securely attached, and free from damage. Any frayed wires or exposed connections should be addressed promptly to prevent accidents during winter weather.

Check Exterior Outlets

Outdoor electrical outlets should be in good working order. Ensure they have weatherproofed covers and are properly sealed to prevent moisture from entering. Consider installing GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlets for additional safety.

Service Your Heating System

If you rely on electric heating systems, such as baseboard heaters or electric furnaces, have them professionally serviced before the winter season. Clean filters and vents to improve efficiency and reduce fire risks.

Test Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are critical during the winter months when heating systems are in use. Test CO detectors and replace batteries to ensure they are fully operational. Consider installing additional detectors if necessary.

Inspect Electrical Cords and Extension Cords

Examine all electrical cords for signs of wear, fraying, or damage. This includes cords for space heaters, holiday decorations, and any outdoor equipment. Replace damaged cords immediately to prevent electrical fires.

Electrical Panel Check

Have a licensed electrician inspect your electrical panel before winter to ensure it can handle the increased electrical load. Upgrading to a higher amperage panel may be necessary if you plan to use additional heating appliances.

Plan for Power Outages

Prepare for potential power outages by having a backup power source, such as a generator or uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This will ensure essential appliances and heating systems remain operational during blackouts.

Winter in Colorado can be beautiful, but it also presents unique challenges for your home’s electrical system. By following these safety precautions and performing necessary electrical maintenance tasks, you can enjoy a warm and safe winter season. Remember that safety should always be a priority, and when in doubt, consult a licensed electrician to address any electrical concerns or make necessary upgrades. A well-prepared home will keep you and your loved ones safe and comfortable during the coldest months of the year.

Contact Always On Electric, Inc. at (970) 309-2616 today or visit us online for more information on how to maintain your electrical systems at home during this winter season.


Energy Efficiency: Simple Steps to Reduce Your Electricity Consumption

In today’s world, where energy demands are soaring and concerns about climate change are growing, adopting energy-efficient practices is crucial. By reducing your electricity consumption, not only can you contribute to a more sustainable future, but you can also save money on your utility bills.

Exterior Lighting

Upgrade to LED Lighting

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce electricity consumption is by switching to LED lighting. LED bulbs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a longer lifespan. By replacing your old bulbs with LED equivalents, you can achieve substantial energy savings while enjoying the same quality and brightness of light.

Unplug Electronics and Appliances

Even when electronics and appliances are turned off, they can still consume standby power. This is known as “vampire power” or “phantom load.” To eliminate this unnecessary electricity usage, unplug devices when not in use or use power strips with on/off switches. By cutting off the power supply, you can prevent standby power consumption and save energy.

Optimize HVAC System

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are major energy consumers. To improve energy efficiency, consider the following steps:

  • Regularly clean and replace air filters to ensure proper airflow and efficiency.
  • Use a programmable thermostat to regulate temperature settings based on occupancy patterns.
  • Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and ducts to prevent heat loss or gain.
  • Maintain regular HVAC system inspections to identify and fix any inefficiencies.

Maximize Natural Lighting and Ventilation

Utilizing natural lighting and ventilation can reduce the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning. Open curtains and blinds during the day to allow natural light to illuminate your space. Additionally, consider installing skylights or light tubes in areas with limited access to windows. For ventilation, use ceiling fans or strategically placed fans to circulate air and keep rooms cool.

Efficient Appliance Use

Appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers are essential but can consume a significant amount of electricity. Follow these tips to optimize their energy use:

  • Set your refrigerator’s temperature to the manufacturer’s recommended level and keep the coils clean.
  • Wash full loads of laundry and use cold water whenever possible.
  • Air dry dishes instead of using the dishwasher’s drying cycle.
  • Use energy-saving modes or timers on appliances, such as TVs and computers, to minimize their power consumption.

Insulate and Seal Your Home

Proper insulation and sealing can greatly improve energy efficiency by preventing heat transfer. Insulate your home’s walls, attic, and floors to reduce heating and cooling needs. Seal gaps and cracks around windows, doors, and electrical outlets to minimize air leakage. By enhancing insulation and sealing, you can maintain a comfortable indoor environment while minimizing energy waste.

If you’re looking for any electrical work, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact Always On Electric, Inc. at (970) 309-2616 today or visit us online for more information!

5 Signs Your Colorado Home Needs Electrical Upgrades

As a homeowner in Colorado, it’s important to ensure that your electrical system is in top-notch condition to maintain the safety, efficiency, and functionality of your home. Over time, electrical systems can become outdated or experience wear and tear, posing potential risks and inconveniences.

electrical outlet in home being re-wired by professional electricians

Frequent Circuit Breaker Tripping

If your circuit breakers trip frequently, it may indicate that your electrical system is overloaded. This could be due to outdated wiring or an insufficient electrical panel. Upgrading your electrical system will provide the necessary capacity to handle your electrical demands.

Flickering or Dimming Lights

If your lights flicker or dim unexpectedly, it may be a sign of faulty wiring, loose connections, or outdated fixtures. These issues can lead to electrical hazards or insufficient lighting. Upgrading your wiring and fixtures will ensure consistent and reliable illumination.

Outdated Electrical Panel

If your home still has an old fuse box or an inadequate electrical panel, it’s time for an upgrade. Modern electrical panels are equipped with advanced safety features and can handle increased electrical loads, ensuring better protection against electrical hazards.

Non-Grounded Outlets

Older homes often have ungrounded outlets, which can be dangerous, especially in areas where electrical devices require grounding. Upgrading to grounded outlets will enhance electrical safety and provide additional protection against electrical shocks.

Inconsistent Power Supply

If you experience frequent power surges or voltage fluctuations, it’s crucial to have your electrical system assessed. Inconsistent power supply can damage sensitive electronic devices and appliances. Upgrading your electrical system will provide stable and reliable power throughout your home.

Recognizing the signs that your Colorado home needs electrical upgrades is crucial for the safety, functionality, and convenience of your property. Whether it’s addressing outdated wiring, upgrading the electrical panel, or installing additional outlets, investing in electrical upgrades will enhance your home’s electrical system and provide peace of mind.

Contact Always On Electric, Inc. at (970) 309-2616 today or visit us online for more information on how we can help you with your electrical upgrades in your home.


Cutting Back on Your Electric Bills

As homeowners, sometimes we forget to watch how much electricity we use throughout the day. As more people are working from home, there is much more electricity being used throughout the day. You may have seen some of your electricity bills increase, especially during winter and the early spring months, but you should not be worried. There are always ways to decrease those bills with a simple plan.

Electrical bill for home

Residential Electrical Services with Always On Electric

At Always On Electric, we have the ability to help with your residential electrical services from remodeling to new construction. We can install upgrades to any lighting or electric equipment if you’re looking to add on to your home. We understand the struggles with maintaining inexpensive electrical bills, which is why we’re dedicated to making sure your home is installed with the proper equipment.

How We Can Help:

  • Lighting Design/Lighting Control Systems
  • Electrical Service Work
  • Lighting Retrofits
  • Safe Electrical Evaluations
  • And much more!

Tips on Bringing Down Electric Bills

If you’re worried about electrical bills increasing during particular seasons, you may want to adjust the way your run certain equipment in your home. For one, if you stay home working during the day, try and let the natural light in through the windows and leave all the lights off. Never leave the TV running if you’re not using it, and make sure all your electronics from laptops to phones are unplugged when you’re not occupied with them. These things can really help cut down on the amount of energy you use in your home. Some equipment may need an upgrade, and you could consider energy efficient equipment for lightbulbs, and other amenities.

If you’re looking to remodel, add on, or build a new home, don’t hesitate to reach out to Always On Electric. Our electrical team has many years of experience working with homeowners to ensure safe electrical equipment and systems are installed. Contact us at 970-309-2616 today or visit us online for more information!

4 Ways to Save on Your Electric Bills This Summer

Summer is right around the corner, and as the heat rises, so can the cost of bills. Many people enjoy the outdoors during the summer, but for some, the only way to beat the heat is to stay inside, out of the sun. Here are some ways to ensure you can have a cool, relaxing summer, while also saving money.

Woman cooling down in home from heat of summer

1 – Swap the AC for Some Fans

It’s tempting to crank the air conditioning at the first sign of summer- but holding off and using some fans provides relief from the heat, and relief on your wallet. A box fan in a window can blow cool air in at night, or, if you prefer less wires, consider getting some ceiling fans installed to get a nice breeze throughout your home.

2 – Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances

It may be time to look at some of your most used appliances and see if they could be the culprit of a high bill. Is your stove Energy Star Certified? What about your AC unit? Making the switch to Energy Star Certified appliances ensures you have the most energy efficient appliance- which allows you to rest easy knowing that you’re saving money, even when using them.

3 – Invest in Light Blocking Curtains

While long hours of sunlight are a bonus of the summer, it also adds more hours of heat to your home, particularly if coming from southern and western facing windows. There are many curtains that not only block bright light, but keep rooms cool as they block heat. Consider installing these curtains and keeping them shut throughout the day- even if you keep some curtains open, it will still make a dramatic difference in the overall temperature of your house!

4 – Get an Evaluation

Above all else, safety is the most important thing when considering any upgrades or electrical changes. Always consult with professionals to ensure you’re maximizing your savings this summer. At Always On Electric, we provide evaluations, as well as assistant in repairs, or do total installations. Let us help you get ready for a relaxing summer, today! Give us a call at (970) 309-2616 for a free estimate!


Tips for Saving Money on Electricity This Summer

Cleaning Air Conditioning Unit Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly all walks of life, forcing people to find creative ways to save money as we wait for things to return back to normal. As the calendar inches closer and closer to summer, home and business owners may be thinking of ways they can save on their electric bills. Here are some tips to help you achieve that goal this summer.

Be Efficient With Your Air Conditioning Use

If you have an AC unit in your residence or business, make sure it’s only turned on when you’re at home or employees are in the building and are actually able to use it. Moreover, savings can add up if you turn it off when you’re go to bed for the night or if you set the temperature a bit higher than usual when you leave for the day.

On days and nights where it’s naturally cool outside, consider turning off the unit all together and simply open up your windows and let in a cool breeze. Also, utilizing the ceiling fans in your home or business can help reduce your dependence on your unit, also helping you save at the margins.

Keep Your Air Conditioning Units in Great Shape

Make sure the vents in your AC unit are clean and free of debris, and that the unit’s filters are periodically cleaned and/or replaced. Failing to perform maintenance on it will cause your air conditioning unit to not work as efficiently, which consequently, will cause the unit to consume more energy. And more energy consumption means a higher bill.

Choose a Great Thermostat

Learning how to properly program your thermostat is another way to save money this summer (year-round, actually). Whether it’s doing it the old school way and reading the instructional manual that comes with it, or it’s googling and watching a YouTube tutorial, accurately programming your thermostat will help you save bundles of money.

If you need a licensed electrician in Rifle, CO this summer, call us at 970.309.2616 or email us at