Plan for Unplanned Outages With a Backup Generator

While some storms come and go, others can pack a serious punch and leave devastation in their wake including power outages. This year, don’t get left in the dark if heavy rainstorms come during the spring season. Get a backup generator from Always On Electric and be ready for anything that Mother Nature has in store.

Backup GeneratorAt first, having a backup generator might not seem like a necessity. After all, when a major storm hits, power outages aren’t always going to happen. However, once the lights go out and everything goes silent, chances are you’re going to wish you had a backup generator to keep you from waving around the dark to find your way.

By having a backup generator, you will not only keep your house lit up during outages, but you will end up saving money by keeping frozen and refrigerated food protected and your appliances operating normally.

We don’t realize how much we value heat and hot water until it’s gone. If your water heater or furnace uses electricity, having a backup generator will keep heat and water sources running even when the power goes out. That way you can still take a nice hot shower and stay warm inside your home even if your neighborhood has lost power from the snow.

Homes with sump pumps know how important it is to keep them running. A stopped sump pump can allow water to accumulate, which can rapidly become a serious issue if your home is prone to flooding. With a backup generator in place, your sump pump will continue running without a hitch, keeping your mind at ease.

Having a backup generator for your business is a great investment as well. Whether your company handles refrigeration or needs power to continue to keep your products or machinery safe, a backup generator can help keep everything running smoothly when the storm hits and the power goes out.

For more information on backup generators or for help diagnosing and repairing electrical issues at your home or business, call Always On Electric today at 970-309-2616 and learn more about our full range of electrical services!