When is it Time to Upgrade Your Electrical Wiring?

Electrical Wiring Most people don’t think much about the electrical wiring in their home, unless or until something goes wrong. For instance, the big football game is coming up on TV and people are gathered at your house to see it. A couple minutes before the game starts the TV inexplicably turns off. Nothing seems to work to get it back on. Maybe it was a blown fuse? Maybe it was something else? Whatever it was, it’s frustratingly irritating!

Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Wiring

When is it time to upgrade your electrical wiring? For most people, if their house is over 40 years old, then it’s time. Things have changed a lot since the original electrical work was installed. Think about how much different our world is today– back then, they didn’t have the kind of devices and appliances we have now, like microwaves, desktop computers, and tablets. Furthermore, if you have several people living in a house trying to plug all their stuff in at once, you might have run out of outlets– so it’s time to expand the number of outlets in your home to properly accommodate the power needs of all the people who live there.

One thing that might scare you– and it should– is that faulty wiring is a leading cause of house fires. The older your house is, the more likely the wiring is outdated and/or unsafe… which could very well lead to a fire. You don’t want that. You want wiring that’s “up to code,” or, more importantly, up to the current code.

Hire a Professional Electrician

When’s the last time your wiring was professionally inspected? Most of you would say, “I have no idea.” Others might say, “When we first bought the house.” If it has been “some time” since it was checked, make it a priority this year to have a company like Always On Electric come take a look at what’s going on in your house with your electrical wires.

You’ll especially want to have your wiring checked if you’ve noticed fuses are blowing repeatedly, lights are flickering or dimming, you smell burning coming from a certain room or appliance, or– don’t laugh– you get a tingling sensation when you touch a certain appliance.

Your wiring should also be inspected if you’ve noticed particularly warm outlets or ones that have become discolored or spark when you plug things into them.

Call 970-309-2616 to connect with Always On Electric.

Prepare for Cooler Weather with New Electrical Equipment

Fall is here, which makes this a good time to start thinking about winter electrical installations. Each season has its own electrical demands, like air conditioning in summer. As fall continues, it is a good time to consider any upcoming electrical projects or needs before the weather turns cold.

Frozen PipeCommercial

Heat tape systems can be used for several applications, including freeze protection for pipes and tanks, maintaining hot water temperature, de-icing and snow melting. Our experienced electricians can install a new heat tape system for your commercial property that will meet your needs and keep plumbing fixtures free of freezing problems.


Is it time for a new boiler or hot tub at your home? The skilled electricians at Always On Electric can safely complete the power installation for your new hot tub, boiler or steamer.

Tired of the power going out during winter storms? Always On Electric has you covered here, too, with professional back-up generator solutions. Don’t take a chance on your safety and comfort this winter!


The agricultural industry works year-round, with no break for bad weather. Winter brings unique challenges for farmers and ranchers because of water troughs or buckets icing over whenever temperatures fall below freezing. Trough heaters are the solution to the common wintertime chore of breaking up ice so that animals can drink.


Severe winter cold can shut down an entire truck fleet, but using engine block heaters can help ensure your trucks will start in the morning after a long, cold night. Of course, each heater requires a fair amount of electrical power, and powering multiple truck heaters will probably require some new wiring. Our electricians can help you safely add the connections you need to power your truck heaters this winter.

Always On Electric provides a full range of electrical services for clients throughout western Colorado. Contact us today at 970-309-2616 to prepare for fall with new electrical equipment and wiring installations.

Ways to Save on Your Commercial Electric Bills

Businesses looking to save on their electric bills can make several simple changes that add up to big savings throughout the year. No matter if you operate a small office with a few employees or have a bigger business that requires a larger number of electrical devices, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the amount of money you can save with minimal effort.

Saving money on electricl bills with LED lighting

Get an energy efficiency audit

A great way to get started with lowering your business’ electric costs is by hiring a professional electrical company to come and look at your site. The electrician will spot a few ways in which you can be saving on your energy usage and will give advice on what you can do to fix the issues.

Common things that can be found in an energy-efficiency audit include air leaks, insulation issues and inefficient lighting.

It is suggested to also do an after-hours audit on your own once you have gotten an energy audit from an electrician. It’s best to do the audit a few hours after workers have gone home, or even on the weekend, to see what devices and lights stay on when people are out of the office.

Switch to LED lighting

Another way to save big on your commercial electric bills is by making the switch to LED lighting. This lighting not only emits less heat that incandescent and halogen lights, it uses roughly 75 to 80% less energy overall.

After you’ve made the switch to a LED system, you can save further by installing motion sensor lighting or by simply reminding people to turn lights off once they leave a meeting area or lunchroom. Creating more natural light can also create big savings by encouraging workers to leave lights off during the day.

Choose laptops over desktops

Replacing older desktop computers with laptops is a great way to save money. When you need new computers at your commercial site, be forward thinking and choose this energy-efficient option.

Laptops use less power than their clunky counterparts and many workers will even take the laptops home at the end of the day, avoiding overnight energy costs for your business. Even better, laptops allow employees to work from home with ease, which can create greater savings.

When you want to save on your business’ electric bills, we are the licensed and certified commercial electrical team to choose in Western Colorado at Always On Electric. Our electricians will be happy to come to your commercial site and offer our opinion on ways to save on your energy bills. We can also assist with any LED lighting installation, service upgrades, building lighting and more. Call our experienced electrical team at 970.309.2616 to get started!