What Can I Do to Fix My Circuit Breaker?

Fixing a Circuit BreakerThe circuit breakers in your home are among the most important things in your entire house. They’re designed to prevent the electrical wiring in your home from overheating. If they ever sense that too much electricity might be passing through your electrical wiring and putting it at risk, they’ll “trip” and shut off the electricity in the part of your home that is experiencing the problem. Here is how to fix a circuit breaker that has tripped.

Find out which circuit breaker has tripped.

If you ever lose power in a portion of your home, the first thing you should do is run down to your breaker box and take a look at your circuit breakers. If one of them has tripped, you’ll notice the lever for it will be located in between the “on” and “off” positions. You can push it back into the “on” position so it restores electricity to the portion of your home where the power went off. When you do this, see how the circuit breaker responds and then check to see whether or not the power has been restored.

See if a circuit breaker might be loose.

While you’re in the process of resetting a circuit breaker, jiggle it around a little bit to see if it feels loose to you at all. If it moves around more than you think it should, it could indicate that your circuit breaker is faulty and that it needs to be replaced. You should consider leaving the circuit breaker in the “off” position until you’ve had a chance to replace it with help from a residential electrician.

Call an electrician if a circuit breaker continues to trip.

You’ll want to reach out to an electrician right away if you ever notice a loose circuit breaker in your breaker box. You’ll also want to get in contact with one if a circuit breaker continues to trip over and over again once you’ve returned it to the “on” position. It’s not out of the ordinary for a circuit breaker to trip every now and then. It’ll sometimes happen when you plug in a vacuum cleaner or a blender in a part of your home where you already have a bunch of other things plugged in. But if you have a circuit breaker that’s tripping all the time, it could be an indication of a larger issue that will need to get looked at right away.

There are some circuit breaker problems that you can fix on your own. Nevertheless, there are also plenty that’ll require the services of a professional electrician. Always on Electric will provide you with the electrical services you need in your home. Call us at 970-309-2616 to schedule an appointment with an electrician.

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